Egyptologists say a tomb in the ancient nation bears the hallmarks of having been fit for a king. As frigid temperatures break records in one part of the world, tourists in another are warned to be more cautious of a winter spectacle. Meanwhile, an artist who loved painting Holland's famous windmills learns to care for them. A national day honors America's caregivers. And a slithery stowaway surprises grocers in New Hampshire!
This news quiz covers topics featured throughout the week on The World from A to Z:
1. What is the two-word term for the natural weather pattern that usually swirls over the North Pole but reportedly “spilled” south this week, bringing frigid temperatures to much of America?
2. February 18 marked the 95th anniversary of when American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovered what object?
3. As featured on Wednesday’s show: The Asian country of Sri Lanka is reportedly home to the world’s first orphanage for what kind of animal?
4. A controversial meeting between the United States and Russia recently took place in Saudi Arabia and focused on the ongoing war in what country?
5. February 19th marked 17 years since Fidel Castro stepped down as the president of what island country, whose Communist revolution he led in the 1950s?
6. This season, U.S. health officials say at least 29 million people (an unusually high amount) have gotten sick from what disease?
7. What event began in 1848 in California and led to the thousands of abandoned mines that remain in the state – including one where a teenager recently survived a fall?
8. In what African nation, whose capital is Kampala, are struggles taking place between drivers, police, and the many people who ride boda-bodas?
9. The identification of a tomb belonging to Egypt’s King Thutmose II is the first finding of its kind since the 1922 discovery related to what other Egyptian king?
10. In what European nation, which is also known as Holland, did an artist recently learn to preserve the historic windmills she enjoyed painting?