Today's show reports on the history of an American holiday that dates back to World War I. Also featured: the "disappearing" rings of Saturn, the potential end of an actors' strike, the modern-day role of messenger pigeons, and the latest change in panda diplomacy.
This Friday's news quiz covers topics featured throughout the week on The World from A to Z:
1. In what nation, whose capital is Rabat, do archaeologists say they recently unearthed the ruins of an ancient port district that might have been expanded by the Romans?
2. What Islamist militant group, which is based in Lebanon and supported by Iran, is being monitored very closely for its involvement in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas?
3. Residents of a town near Sydney, Australia have been challenged by what kind of bird, which has learned how to open the lids of garbage cans in its search for food scraps?
4. What North American region was struck by the “White Hurricane,” which caused numerous shipwrecks and 35-foot waves, during this week in 1913?
5. What kind of collector’s item, which was printed with an upside-down biplane in 1918, is expected to fetch up to $2 million when it goes up for auction in New York City?
6. What is the two-word term for the percentage of American workers who don’t have a job, an economic indicator that ticked up to 3.9 percent in October (though it’s still considered low)?
7. A trove of 30,000-50,000 coins, which are believed to date back to the 4th Century, was recently discovered near Sardinia. What civilization did they come from?
8. Name the historic military leader who once wore a bicorne hat that is going up for auction in France and expected to fetch as much as $850,000.
9. What was the original name of Veterans Day, a U.S. holiday dating back to World War I that was given its current name after World War II and the Korean War?
10. What two nations were involved in the “panda diplomacy” that began in 1972, though the recent transfer of three of these animals may signal the last days of the practice between the countries?